Possible Stories

Instrumentation: cello solo
Duration: 12:00

  1. Things to come
  2. Theme—collected and private
  3. Alternately hesitant and passionate
  4. Engaged—joyful, rugged
  5. First a smile, and finally a brazen mood
  6. Memories of a private song

The Nearness of Things

Instrumentation: violin solo
Duration: 12:20
Available on Small and Mighty Forces, Albany Records TROY 1518

Streaming links:
Youtube Music
Apple Music

Until (I am going to play the violin until you come back)

Instrumentation: violin
Duration: 15:00

Someone to talk to

Instrumentation: clarinet
I. Someone to talk to / II. Let me tell you things / III. I think we both know where this is going /
IV. How do you remember it?
Duration: 10:00